quinta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2008

So En

So-En Magazine dez08

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Erika Verzutti at "when lives become form" Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, 2008

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sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

cartas antigas

click on images to enlarge

desenhos de 2000/2001 nanquim, lápis de cor, etc. exceto david bowie (print)

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008

meus semelhantes

click on image to enlarge

percebi hoje que os trabalhos que coloquei no Send Art (minha gift application no Facebook) estão combinando de par em par. fui adicionando na ordem que vinham a cabeça. acho que uma coisa puxou outra.

picasso, condo,cattelan, emady, saeki, flavio de carvalho, arp, hirst, prince, maria martins, matta clark, leirner, fontana, hiroshige, auad, tarsila, guignard, barron, franz west, koons, pollock

sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2008

eduardo é o bicho

foto do Eduardo Ortega, da excelente série dele de making ofs. Nesta aparece meu Bicho de 7 Cabeças.

segunda-feira, 11 de agosto de 2008


vida no trânsito

episódio 5, meu preferido. as falas são uma beleza. vejo loucas semelhanças com o texto do Marinho.
série completa: http://fiztv.uol.com.br/blog/?idAreaAtual=22

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

eu em 1990

era parecida com o alexandre da cunha. o título era Microfone, mas como o Sergio Romagnolo não gostou nada da escultura, mudei para sem título, para passar de ano.

sexta-feira, 8 de agosto de 2008

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008

domingo, 20 de julho de 2008

alexandre antes

alexandre e elton fazendo a "Public Sculpture" em Caucaia do Alto, junho 2008
tem um post também no blog da alexia.

alexandre da cunha
na Galeria Luisa Strina até 2 de agosto. Rua Oscar Freire, 502 - São Paulo

video do joão e tia erika

sexta-feira, 4 de julho de 2008


chemical brothers hey boy hey girl 1999, maurizio cattelan Felix 2001 e cattelan de 2007.

that's great

alanis did it. i had never seen it.

alanis morissette head over feet


bob dylan subterranean homesick blues other version

santos dumont

terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2008

mata cavalos

Vivo só, com um criado. A casa em que moro é própria; fi-la construir de propósito, levado de um desejo tão particular que me vexa imprimi-lo, mas vá lá. Um dia. há bastantes anos, lembrou-me reproduzir no Engenho Novo a casa em que me criei na antiga Rua de Mata-cavalos, dando-lhe o mesmo aspecto e economia daquela outra, que desapareceu. Construtor e pintor entenderam bem as indicações que lhes fiz: é o mesmo prédio assobradado, três janelas de frente, varanda ao fundo, as mesmas alcovas e salas. Na principal destas, a pintura do tecto e das paredes é mais ou menos igual, umas grinaldas de flores miúdas e grandes pássaros que as tomam nos blocos, de espaço a espaço. Nos quatro cantos do tecto as figuras das estações, e ao centro das paredes os medalhões de César, Augusto, Nero e Massinissa, com os nomes por baixo... Não alcanço a razão de tais personagens. Quando fomos para a casa de Mata-cavalos, já ela estava assim decorada; vinha do decênio anterior. Naturalmente era gosto do tempo meter sabor clássico e figuras antigas em pinturas americanas. O mais é também análogo e parecido. Tenho chacarinha, flores, legume, uma casuarina, um poço e lavadouro. Uso louça velha e mobília velha. Enfim, agora, como outrora, há aqui o mesmo contraste da vida interior, que é pacata, com a exterior, que é ruidosa.

*trecho de Dom Casmurro que estou usando no projeto "Casmurra" para realizar as pinturas e relevos que ele descreve, reproduzir esta sala imaginada.

segunda-feira, 2 de junho de 2008

alexandre na frieze magazine

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Alexandre da Cunha

Vilma Gold, London, UK


I was in the US recently and couldn’t help but notice the country’s penchant for displaying the stars and stripes. Granted, it is election year, and much has been made of the Presidential candidates’ allegiance to the flag, but Old Glory receives a reverence far beyond any election campaign. It is, quite literally, everywhere: on top of schools; hanging from front porches; suspended from office blocks; engraved into building facades; and waving from the back of cars. Up until 1989, it was a federal offense to desecrate – even stand on! – the flag, punishable by up to a year in prison. This collection of shapes on rudimentary fabric is the embodiment of the nation’s collective values and identity. But why is such lofty meaning projected onto a collection of shapes that has no material value? Under the banner of a national flag, patriotism and identity are considered black and white issues; as President Bush put it in 2001, ‘You’re either with us or against us.’ That leaves very little room for ambiguity, but provides comfort for many.

Brazilian-born, London-based Alexandre da Cunha, an artist long interested in the stereotypes propagated under the guise of national identity, had plenty of flag-like forms at his recent solo exhibition at London’s Vilma Gold. In the first space was a photographic series, ‘Seascape (Flags)’ (2008), of tourist-industry images of perfect Brazilian beaches fragmented by blank geometric shapes, resulting in collages that were reminiscent of standard national flags. These geometric forms connect ‘Seascape (Flags)’ to an abstract Modernist aesthetic: the series bears a resemblance to the peculiar ‘Tableau’ (1925-26) series that Mondrian produced following his break from De Stijl. (Da Cunha has, in the past, also made Op Art-referencing stripe pieces from old deck chair canvases).

But this homage to Modernism is a surface layer beneath which there is always a gambiarra twist – a Brazilian tradition of making do with what you have – that distinguishes the artist from the painterly abstraction. This penchant for readymades is clearly evident in the flag series; the tourist images are as stock-standard and mass-produced, like any other deck chair or home appliance. They look like tourist board adverts, and, like national flags, consider the different perspectives of a nation. The confidence with which such images are typically presented as the ‘real thing’ obscures the fact we must first buy into the concept. By interweaving similar, but inverted, beach imagery with the flag form, da Cunha attempts to expose the ambiguity of both of these sell-ins. He has a knack for reconfiguring familiar materials to encourage us to review our preconceptions, and, in this instance, perhaps accept the possibility that neither the national flag nor the tourist image are worthy of our reverence.


Whilst the first space was dominated by the trinkets of the tourist market – Bob Marley’s face printed on tie-died fabric and so on – the next displayed meditative, formal sculptures in neutral tones laid out like classical busts. Hung in the far corner was Mask (2007): constructed out of a chopping board, wooden cup and primed canvas, it was a salute to the type of ‘Primitivist’ masks that would have been found in the studios of Picasso or Braque. Dominating the room was a wide plinth supporting five phallic works constructed from mop heads, the hair of which was elongated, clustered over itself with yards of hand-dyed wool and confined at the base by large concrete blocks. The five pieces (Bust (I-V), 2008) referenced the tradition of elevating classical busts to encourage adoration, yet their overtly phallic shapes appeared to be busting out of themselves as the materials grapple with each other. It seems that raw wool and concrete are not the most amicable materials to bind to each other.

Was this a middle finger to the patriarchal dominance of art history? There was little in the show to illustrate a malicious challenge to the history of art. Instead, da Cunha’s elegant sculptural forms revealed a simple beauty rarely attributed to lowly, mass-produced materials. Like a cuckoo collecting from the weighty archive at random and dropping bits along the way, da Cunha’s art historical lineage skips from classical sculpture to baroque patterning, Primitivism, Modernism, readymades, Arte Povera, and onto Brazilian Modernism, with the artist finding a comfortable place somewhere near the end. Da Cunha’s mode of highlighting the wonders of ambiguity is engaging, almost to the point that, should he raise his own flag to the roof, I might just sign up. But I suppose that would be just too obvious; it would be more likely he’d raise a barbeque cover, or something equally garish, and the joke would thankfully be on me. It saves me from one less cause I suppose.

Nicola Harvey


segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008

sugito favorito

hiroshi sugito "thunder volt" 2008, vale muito a pena ver a exposição dele na fortes vilaça até 07 de junho.

domingo, 25 de maio de 2008